Resurrecting Blog!

   Okay everyone, on my mark. Ready with the paddles? Clear! PaCHA. 
   Blogs body jumps with the jolt, but remains lifeless.
   Again! Ready? Clear! PaCHA. 
   Blogs body jumps yet again, but still nothing is happening.
   One more time. Ready? Clear! PaCHA. 
   Okay, that's great everyone. Good job! I think Blog's got a pulse now, and welcome back . . .   

   I know I've been away for quite awhile and there's no excuse, but you knew I'd be back, didn't you? Of course you did. Well, here I am. My apologies to you all if you have missed me. I'll give you a brief rundown. Life happened. Life handed me too many curve balls to keep up with since last Summer and something had to give and my social platforms were the targets, especially my Twitter and blogging habits, but the good news is, I've dealt with all that was handed to me, successfully, might I add and now I'm here again, and it's good to be back!
   So you know, I didn't give up on everything, I've kept up with my writing and in fact, I've written quite a few short stories during my absence from you and the most exciting thing is, I've worked diligently writing and reworking my humorous memoir 'TTITC' and it is nearly finished. One little epilogue to write and few little surprise additions to go into the book, a line edit through a few of the most recent chapters and then it will be completed! And can I tell you how excited I am about this? Now I simply need to do a bit of research and more importantly, grow a pair of testicles to actually send my book to people! This is all new and uncharted territory for me, and I don't mind telling you, I'm scared to death. But don't you worry. I'm sure I'll figure it out. After all, I've figured out how to get from a blank page to the end of my first almost completed book through trial and error, learning and then learning some more, and in many cases through sheer terror, filled with doubts and self-criticism and lots of bleeding on my pages. I've learned the hard way, if I'm going to write, I'm going to bleed - a lot! Which is what I've been doing. Bleeding the truth as I know it, bleeding emotion as I feel it and continuing to work through all of it!
   My other novel, the horror fiction is still in progress though I took a hiatus from it to concentrate on my memoir since it's been a WIP for the last six or seven years, and truth told, its time has come to move on from it, and since I can't leave something unfinished, ever, I have no choice within me but to finish it and I'm glad, ecstatic I'm doing just that! Though I'm chomping at the bit to get back to the horror fiction. Ideas and more plot comes to me daily and if I'm being honest, I miss my friends that are waiting for me in there. Soon. 

   Once I'm back to that one full-time, I have another that I need to start, again. There's a book in me, and I've shared with you about it once before, that I had written a very long time ago and was counseled to burn, which if you remember, I did like an idiot, but the story remains in me so it must be one I have to tell, and I will. It seems that I can't ever write just one thing at a time! I know it would be better for me if I could learn how to do that, scale down to just one WIP, but I have to tell you, I don't roll that way and there are reasons for it which I think I'll address in another blog. It'll be a bit scary to share those reasons with you, but so you'll understand why I always seem to have two full-length novels and a short story or two going on at the same time, I ought to share, and I hope that it will help some other soul out there struggling with the same issues, so look for that in an upcoming Blog of mine. 

   For now, know that I'm working hard for my passion, for my craft, for me and remember I write the way I write, and I roll the way I roll because . . . I'm Just Me.


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