Farted around with my weekend for a cause! Today, yesterday, and the day before, I’ve been filled with some serious self doubts! Am I a good enough writer? Do I have the chops to write? What the hell am I doing thinking I can actually write a full-length novel, when I can’t seem to get 3 damned paragraphs written correctly? What the hell’s wrong with me? A small, tiny bit of criticism, and off I go running with my tail between my legs, and fill myself, my writing life, with self doubt. Hell, I knew something was wrong with the text, and I asked one soul to review a few paragraphs, and my world went plummeting. I plummeted. I began to question everything I’ve ever written, everything I thought I could do. I began to doubt... myself! So I took the weekend off from writing to lick my wounds, wallow in self-pity, and generally had a miserable time with myself. And just for the record, that person didn’t intentionally make me feel bad about what they...
as you can see, I haven't blogged in a good and long while, and I'm
going to rectify that now! The other day, I posted a message to a new
friend I had made through Twitter, and, in the message, I had shared
with him that I've been seriously putting pen to paper for the past four
years. True? Yes. But it occurred to me that, that particular statement
is not the case exactly. In thinking about my comment to
him, and in reading the older blogs that I've written, I came to
realize that I've been writing for my entire life! Really? You ask. My
answer, "Um, yah."
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