A Play On Words. . . BeLIEve, Write, Read !!!
Wait for it! It's quite the ride at the end when you read it!
It's been a busy day for me here on the East Coast of North America, and I'm just sitting down to my laptop for the first time today, and it's Four-thirty in the afternoon! It's too late in the day to really delve into writing either of my books, or edit a short story or Two since it's almost the dinner hour, and then I'm going to visit with family after, so what's a girl to do? Well. . . if you're me, you sit to write a blog! And so, that's what I'm doing.
Today's Blog doesn't really have anything to do with writing, other than, I'm writing it, so instead, it's going to be a meander through my thoughts. Well, maybe it's about writing too, and to use the words of the antagonist in my book, 'TTITC,' "I'll get to it then!" Okay, here we go! Here's what I've been thinking about today -
Is it only myself, or do you find it odd that the word, 'believe' contains the word, 'lie' hidden right smack dab in the middle of it? The word, 'belie' is also hidden inside the word, 'believe,' and since I know that 'belie' means, 'to prove untrue,' and 'lie' means, 'to make an intentional false statement,' well, it caused me to think about it. I know that there are many other words inside the word 'believe,' like 'live,' and 'be,' as well as others, but it was the word 'lie' in particular that got to me. Here's what happened -
I was enjoying a nice healthy salad for lunch today, and I was enjoying said salad at the dining room table. I chose the seat facing the kitchen so I could gaze outside through the patio door while I was eating and I happened to look into the kitchen. Now that's not so important, but what I saw in the kitchen is! My roomies have a sign with a black background and green writing on the wall behind the stove that reads simply, 'BELIEVE.'
Well, I can tell you, I've looked at this sign everyday for the last seven months, and then today, I'm not sure what happened, but I really noticed it for the first time! And then it struck me right between the eyes! The word 'LIE' is right in the middle of the word 'BELIEVE!' I don't know why I find this an epiphany, but I do! Here's what I'm thinking -
I have to wonder if the creator of the word 'believe' meant for hidden words with the opposite understanding and meanings to be in there? Or, was it a Freudian slip? I mean, think about this. The word 'believe' means, 'to accept that something is true.' So, what? Accidentally hidden in the word, there are the words belie, and lie, which mean untrue, and false, respectively? Hmmm. . .
Belief is really a hard thing for me to come by sometimes. Oh sure, I've been gullible in the past to believe people who have lied to me, and maybe I'm still gullible when it comes to what others tell me, but now, I know I'm gullible when it comes to my own thinking too! I believe my own lies and belie the truth with more lies! Follow? No, I didn't think so. Let's try this? Here comes the writing stuff.
I get up in the morning, and I say to myself, "Self? I'm going to write today, and what I write is going to be great!" I can already feel that the day is going to be fantastic, because I woke up with the belief that I'm going to write something great that day!
Now, as good as that makes me feel, Self steps ups and belies my belief with its lies and says back to me, "Really? You're not that great a Writer, so, who are you fooling? It's a lie!"
And now belief in myself is blown and has flown out the window, and I spend the first half of my day, belying what Self is trying to convince me of, in saying I lied to myself first thing when I woke!
Are you following this? I thought I'd play with the words a little bit, and it's really kind of fun too! It's a true story. And I know and believe it's a true story, because it happens to me every day!
So let's recap. I wake and believe that it's going to be a great day of writing, and that I'm a good Writer. Then that stupid little voice of self, or more accurately, self-doubt creeps in, and belies my belief that I'm a good Writer, and that it's going to be a great day, and lies to me, telling me that I lied to myself because I stink! Sigh. Now I spend the first half of my day, belying (proving untrue) what self-doubt has lied (made a false statement) to me about, and have to convince myself to believe (accept that it's true) that I'm good; good enough to put my words on paper and have other people read what I write, wrote, and will write, right? And then I write right, as in correctly, for the rest of the day, and create a Rede that I believe in, so you can then read the Rede (creed) that I've written for myself, and perhaps my Rede should just say, "BELIEVE!" Phew! Got that?
Now isn't all of that just, silly? All because, I believe not in the lie, but in 'believing,' because, I'm Just Me. . .
It's been a busy day for me here on the East Coast of North America, and I'm just sitting down to my laptop for the first time today, and it's Four-thirty in the afternoon! It's too late in the day to really delve into writing either of my books, or edit a short story or Two since it's almost the dinner hour, and then I'm going to visit with family after, so what's a girl to do? Well. . . if you're me, you sit to write a blog! And so, that's what I'm doing.
Today's Blog doesn't really have anything to do with writing, other than, I'm writing it, so instead, it's going to be a meander through my thoughts. Well, maybe it's about writing too, and to use the words of the antagonist in my book, 'TTITC,' "I'll get to it then!" Okay, here we go! Here's what I've been thinking about today -
Is it only myself, or do you find it odd that the word, 'believe' contains the word, 'lie' hidden right smack dab in the middle of it? The word, 'belie' is also hidden inside the word, 'believe,' and since I know that 'belie' means, 'to prove untrue,' and 'lie' means, 'to make an intentional false statement,' well, it caused me to think about it. I know that there are many other words inside the word 'believe,' like 'live,' and 'be,' as well as others, but it was the word 'lie' in particular that got to me. Here's what happened -
I was enjoying a nice healthy salad for lunch today, and I was enjoying said salad at the dining room table. I chose the seat facing the kitchen so I could gaze outside through the patio door while I was eating and I happened to look into the kitchen. Now that's not so important, but what I saw in the kitchen is! My roomies have a sign with a black background and green writing on the wall behind the stove that reads simply, 'BELIEVE.'
Well, I can tell you, I've looked at this sign everyday for the last seven months, and then today, I'm not sure what happened, but I really noticed it for the first time! And then it struck me right between the eyes! The word 'LIE' is right in the middle of the word 'BELIEVE!' I don't know why I find this an epiphany, but I do! Here's what I'm thinking -
I have to wonder if the creator of the word 'believe' meant for hidden words with the opposite understanding and meanings to be in there? Or, was it a Freudian slip? I mean, think about this. The word 'believe' means, 'to accept that something is true.' So, what? Accidentally hidden in the word, there are the words belie, and lie, which mean untrue, and false, respectively? Hmmm. . .
Belief is really a hard thing for me to come by sometimes. Oh sure, I've been gullible in the past to believe people who have lied to me, and maybe I'm still gullible when it comes to what others tell me, but now, I know I'm gullible when it comes to my own thinking too! I believe my own lies and belie the truth with more lies! Follow? No, I didn't think so. Let's try this? Here comes the writing stuff.
I get up in the morning, and I say to myself, "Self? I'm going to write today, and what I write is going to be great!" I can already feel that the day is going to be fantastic, because I woke up with the belief that I'm going to write something great that day!
Now, as good as that makes me feel, Self steps ups and belies my belief with its lies and says back to me, "Really? You're not that great a Writer, so, who are you fooling? It's a lie!"
And now belief in myself is blown and has flown out the window, and I spend the first half of my day, belying what Self is trying to convince me of, in saying I lied to myself first thing when I woke!
Are you following this? I thought I'd play with the words a little bit, and it's really kind of fun too! It's a true story. And I know and believe it's a true story, because it happens to me every day!
So let's recap. I wake and believe that it's going to be a great day of writing, and that I'm a good Writer. Then that stupid little voice of self, or more accurately, self-doubt creeps in, and belies my belief that I'm a good Writer, and that it's going to be a great day, and lies to me, telling me that I lied to myself because I stink! Sigh. Now I spend the first half of my day, belying (proving untrue) what self-doubt has lied (made a false statement) to me about, and have to convince myself to believe (accept that it's true) that I'm good; good enough to put my words on paper and have other people read what I write, wrote, and will write, right? And then I write right, as in correctly, for the rest of the day, and create a Rede that I believe in, so you can then read the Rede (creed) that I've written for myself, and perhaps my Rede should just say, "BELIEVE!" Phew! Got that?
Now isn't all of that just, silly? All because, I believe not in the lie, but in 'believing,' because, I'm Just Me. . .
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