Wow, what a ride! Over the course of the last few months I've been furiously working on my humorous memoir, 'TTITC' and I'm happy, no, exhilarated to say, "It. Is. Finished." I wrote the last word two days ago and I still can't breathe. Though to tell you the truth, I didn't think I would feel so sad over it at the same time. I'm happy and ecstatic, true, but those emotions are tinged with a feeling of sadness. Perhaps this is a natural reaction in saying farewell to a book that I've nurtured and coddled over the last six or seven years. One that I've cried and laughed over, hated and loved, treated carefully and ignored for months on end, but in the end, one that I always came back to. Working day and night, many a night burning the midnight oil over and not truly knowing if I'd ever finish or not. I don't really know, beings it's the first full-length novel I've completed and one that is so intensely and personall...