
Showing posts from May, 2018

Well HELLO, It's Been A While

It's been a long while since I've written on this site, but I'm baaaack, as they say. No, no need to go into boring details as to why I was away, but suffice it to say it's been traumatic over these last few years though I haven't given up on my writing. Actually, things are moving in the right direction - finally. I'm traveling up the mountain instead of tumbling down the cliff, so all's well in this Writer's world! The truth is, I may have been invisible for a while, but I wasn't gone completely. In fact, writing is like breathing to me, so since I'm still kicking, I must've been writing, just nothing worth going on about, until now. To start, great news!! My son, Shaun is published! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He's an intense and brilliant Poet and his very first published book of poetry titled, Hope In The Dark is here: