
Showing posts from October, 2012

Riddle Me This!

  "Mmmmm, that feels so good. Do it again."   "You mean like this?" I asked.   "Mmmm, yes," he groaned.   I ran my hand over his skin. It felt silky and slippery, and yielded ever so slightly as I pressed gently down on his body. I was sweating with anticipation, desire. I wanted to touch him again, and again, and yet, there were times when I felt as though I had to pause. I needed time to think. I needed time to process what I was feeling, and I took it.   "Don't stop. Please?" He begged. "I need it. I need your hand to caress me. I can't do this on my own. Please baby, touch me again like you did before?"    I saw his eyes were blinking, waiting with anticipation for me to stroke him again. I reached out my hand, and paused briefly over him, then brought my fingers to his skin once again.   Another groan emitted from him, deep and throaty. He was ready. Ready for me to bring him to a climax, ready for me to finish. His

Am I A Weirdo???

"I'm running scared today!" Tail tucked between my legs, (pretty picture that is) and whimpering, as I run the other way. Running into an empty place with nothing but my self-doubt intact. Of course THAT would remain intact! Why wouldn't it? The negative always outweighs the positive, or at least seems to momentarily. I don't mind telling you, "I'm scared shitless!"  Doubt: Do I have what it takes to be a writer?  Doubt: Do I have the chops to be a writer?  Doubt: Do I have the talent to be a writer?  Doubt: Do I have the stamina to get through an entire novel?  Doubt: Do I have the courage to bulldoze (edit) my story?  Doubt: Can I bring my story together?  Doubt: What if everybody hates it?  Doubt: What if I hate it when it's finished?  Doubt: What about my characters? Are they real? Lovable? Hate-able? Detestable ?  Doubt: Can I tie up all the story lines?  Doubt: Is my plot good enough, thick enough, entertaining enough